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[Videos] The Message of the Tibetans

by Arnaud Desjardins

Arnaud Desjardins met His Holiness the Dalai Lama for the first time in 1963, and gained his support to shoot these films. All the most revered masters agreed to participate in the making of these films: The Dalai Lama in person, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche, H.H. the XVIth Gyalwa Karmapa, Dugpa Tupse Rinpoche, the yogis Lopon Sonam Zangpo and Abo Rinpoche, Tai Situ Rinpoche… and many other eminent masters.

This is some of the most impressive footage we have seen. Filmed in India, Sikkim and Bhutan by Arnaud Desjardins in consultation with Sonam Topgey Kazi, the senior interpreter to the Dalai Lama at that time. Other older renowned masters shown here are: H.H. Sakya Trizin, Dugpa Dukse Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche, and H.E. Shamar Rinpoche as a young tulku. Each film is full of wonderful images of these lamas and monks performing rituals and meditations. There are unusual scenes of yogis performing preparatory meditation exercises.

“I am delighted to have been able to watch the English version of The Message of the Tibetans, which consists of a film shot by Arnaud Desjardins in 1965 and 1967. It provides us with a living document of some of the great masters then living and also of children who as adults today have the responsibility of carrying on the Tibetan tradition. I myself was only thirty at that time and like most of my compatriots had little experience of the outside world. However, we were all determined to work hard to preserve our unique culture, particularly our rich Buddhist heritage. Today, when we look back, we can note with satisfaction the achievements we have made in educating our young people and preserving our cultural traditions and values at a time when they are under threat of extinction in our homeland. Tibetan culture, as this film shows, places great importance on compassion and nonviolence. It is because of these essential humane values that I feel that we have a contribution to make to peace in the world. So, the Tibetans’ message is that it is not the possession of wealth and weapons, but whether you have patience, compassion and concern for others–that is the source of peace and happiness”–His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

“These portraits of the legendary Tibetan masters are not simply a unique historical record, not only a stunning and moving inspiration for now and for the future, but an extraordinary testimony, a treasure. I believe that it was not by chance that Arnaud Desjardins made his films.”–Sogyal Rinpoche

This posting is a combined full-length presentation published earlier on two videotapes: “Buddhism” and “Tantrism.”

Version Française (French version)


The Message of the Tibetans – Part 01: Buddhism (Colorful Version)


The Message of the Tibetans – Part 02: Tantrism (Colorful Version)